Parametric Design for Architecture by Wassim Jabi

Parametric Design for Architecture by Wassim Jabi

Complementing books

Elements of Parametric Design by Woodbury,
Architectural Geometry by Pottman et al,
and Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists by Reas and Fry

Patrik Schumacher argues that parametric design involves main themes such as Versioning, Iteration, Mass Customization, and Continuous Differentiation.

The characteristics of a parametric design system are Object-orientation, Classes or Families, Methods, and Parameters.

PART 1 discusses Algorithmic Thinking, where the following terms are listed in order:

– Overall Structure
– Data types and Variables
– Expressions
– Logic and Control
– Functions
– Iteration and Recursion
– Objects, Classes, Attributes and Methods
– Events and Callback Functions

PART 2 discusses Parametric Patterns, including the following:

– Controller
– Force field
– Repetition
– Tiling
– Recursion
– Subdivision
– Packing
– Weaving
– Branching

PART 3 raises future explorations (Next Steps)

– Towards a programming language for design
– A taxonomy of parameters

A taxonomy of parameters:
The author notes that a parametric design system is similar to any other system in that it contains input, algorithm, and output, whose the real challenge is the selection of the initial input parameters.
Usually designers are not only concerned with the issues of Geometry and Topology, but also Architectural components, materials, environment and people. The author ambitiously takes these issues and tries to define them as parameters for design, namely:
– Mathematical parameters
– Geometric parameters
– Topological parameters
– Representational parameters
– Material parameters
– Environmental parameters
– Human parameters


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