Ad hoc phenomenon and vernacular architecture
Hanoi Urban Ecologies
The Self-organization process of the Urban system
Elements of ad hoc design in Hanoi’s typical townhouse
Architecture of the everyday
Rojo Kansatsu Gakkai
Robert Venturi and Ordinary Architecture
Henri Lefebvre’s Critic of Everyday Life
Michel de Certeau
Marchel Duchamp’s Inframince
Ad hoc architecture series – Hanoi
Earth Construction
Wood Carving
Creative Writing
Urban Sketching
Wood Structure
Digital Modeling
The topics in this list is increasingly expanding. The phenomenon of ad hoc architecture is happening in both the developed and developing worlds in a variety of forms.
The references presented here include books, articles, webistes and other types materials related to the subject. We will try to keep up-to-date with latest developments and findings about this subject.

Abstraction and Informality Generate a New Aesthetic An Interview with Kazuyo Sejima
Asian Ethical Urbanism: A Radical Postmodern Perspective
Building new capital cities in Africa: Lessons for new satellite towns in developing countries.
Chinese City And Urbanism: Evolution And Development
Ecologies of Urbanism in India : Metropolitan Civility and Sustainability
Emergent Urbanism : Urban Planning & Design in Times of Structural and Systemic Change
Green Urbanism In Asia: The Emerging Green Tigers
Incomplete Urbanism: A Critical Urban Strategy For Emerging Economies
Informal city : Caracas case / edited by Alfredo Brillembourg, Kristin Feireiss, Hubert Klumpner ; [translations, Rebecca Blackwell … et al.].
Informal Density: Animating Historical Neighbourhoods.
Informal Philosophy
Informal workers and collective action : a global perspective / edited by Adrienne E. Eaton, Susan J. Schurman, and Martha A. Chen.
In-formalised urban space design. Rethinking the relationship between formal and informal
Informalising Architecture: The Challenge of Informal Settlements
Informality : Social Theory and Contemporary Practice
International Development Planning Review – 2019 – Vol. 41 Issue 1
Joyce, Benjamin and Magical Urbanism
La Perla – 100 years of informal architecture in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Landscape Urbanism and Its Discontents : Dissimulating the Sustainable City
Latin American Studies
Learning from Ad hoc Architecture – Hanoi Urban Ecologies
From now to 2050, Vietnam’s urban population will increase at the rate of 1 million people per year. As the conventional top-down urban planning strategy has proved its impotence in dealing with urban growth, combined with increasing evidence that informal housing clusters provide better energy consumption per capita, communication and urban amenities for low-income households, bottom-up, self-organizing housing strategies need to be considered. If the spontaneously built structures are synchronized with city planning and in tandem with the requirement systems of nature, then the future of cleaner, smarter energy use in cities could be secured.
Lessons of Informality : Architecture and Urban Planning for Emerging Territories. Concepts From Ethiopia
Marginal Urbanisms : Informal and Formal Development in Cities of Latin America
Messy Urbanism : Understanding the ‘other’ Cities of Asia
New Architecture and Urbanism : Development of Indian Traditions
Places of Nature in Ecologies of Urbanism
Postcolonial Urbanism : Southeast Asian Cities and Global Processes
Public Catalyst
Rethinking the informal city : critical perspectives from Latin America / edited by Felipe Hernández, Peter Kellett and Lea K. Allen.
Routledge Handbook of the Environment in Southeast Asia ed. by Philip Hirsch (review)
Routledge international handbook of participatory design / edited by Jesper Simonsen and Toni Robertson.
Tactical Urbanism : Short-term Action for Long-term Change
Temporary Structure Design
The informal American city : beyond taco trucks and day labor / edited by Vinit Mukhija and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris.
The Informal economy : studies in advanced and less developed countries / edited by Alejandro Portes, Manuel Castells, Lauren A. Benton.
The production of informality and everyday politics. – Palat Narayanan, Nipesh
The Routledge Handbook on Informal Urbanization
The Slum Multiple: A Cyborg Micro-history of an Informal Settlement in Lisbon.
Title:Insurgent Public Space : Guerrilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities
Torre David : informal vertical communities / Urban-Think Tank Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, ETH Zürich ; photographs by Iwan Baan.
Urbanism in the Age of Climate Change
Urbanism in the Preindustrial World : Cross-Cultural Approaches
Urbanization and Slums : Infectious Diseases in the Built Environment: Proceedings of a Workshop
Villages in the City : A Guide to South China’s Informal Settlements